A musical film with elements of a detective thriller, which was left unfinished by its director Theodoros Angelopoulos. The members of the famous band from the 1960s, the Forminx, try to find the woma...
Odysseas (Stavros Paravas), in an effort to marry off his sister Penelope so that he can marry his girlfriend (Sasa Kastoura), gets accidentally mixed up with a gang. His sister’s beloved (Giorgos G...
August 1944, and a captain of the Greek army in the Middle East, Iason, has secretly landed on an island with the mission to gather information on the disposition of the Germans’ defensive arrangeme...
Poor islander Minas Ntompros' son Giorgos is studying law in Athens and fritters away his time and the money his father sends him on the horse races and other forms of entertainment, together with sin...
Andreas, nephew of the abbot of the Monastery of Dionysios, who died eight years previously, arrives at Agion Oros (Mount Athos) with a team of smugglers of antiquities, with the intention of stealing...
After the German occupation, a businessman (Vasilis Mitsakis) does not tell his sick daughter (Katia Dandoulaki) that her beloved is dead and instead hires an aristocratic fortune-hunter (Christos Pol...
Just before the end of World War II, Katerina finds among the rubble of a ruined house a small girl, Lina. Thinking that the girl is an orphan, Katerina takes the child home and adopts it, but soon he...
The adopted son (Giorgos Fountas) of a lawyer (Manos Katrakis), who suffers from amnesia due to a childhood injury, manages to regain his memory with the help of a girl he loves (Kaiti Papanika). He t...